Wednesday, November 9, 2011

IVF- Exam 1.

Exam 1. There were so many various couples in the clinic today and all I could think about was, "I wonder if they want my eggs?" That answer narrowed done when 75% of the people were not my particular ethnicity. Well, you never know I guess? I had to pee, but held it since they needed a urine sample, which wasn't collected until 45 mins later and I ended up giving them approximately 8 oz of urine. The lady told me to give as much as I could, but I didn't tihnk they wanted 3 cups so Ionly filled up one. I met with the doctor and he seemed nice, but I do not think he was a fan of my peircings and ink. However, I have another appointment next Friday to check out the girls, ovaries that is. So the process moves on.

PS. It completely makes me want to vomit knowing many great women ready to have children who cannot conceive while little high schoolers go around thinking "It'll never happen to me" and next thing you know they are 16 and prego. Darn this system.

1 comment:

  1. So.... I had to comment. Coming from someone who went through a lot of fertility treatments with NO luck and will be paying on them FOREVER, I think it's great that you want to help and are willing to go through these steps to do so. You will make someone very happy one day. We have been trying for 5 1/2 years now, one early miscarriage after getting pregnant on our own early on in our trying, a lot of poking and prodding, several surgeries, and all we have to show for it is a lot of debt. It's heartbreaking to know we cannot have a baby and our ability to continue to try with assistance is halted by finances. Our health insurance does not cover fertility treatmenats ($&!$%&)and we spent more than we should have trying. It breaks my heart. And I get SO pissed when people just "end up" pregnant due to an oops or whatever. So good for you! I look forward to reading your blog, even if it is hard at times.
